


第一章 My Pet 小鸡善善

3. 其实现在回想起来,不该舍不得那几万块。当时,应该多申请几所学校。即便不是小宋心怡和梦想的大学,也要申一下。不至于,最后两手空空,内心倍受打击,信心受挫。本来是找了留学机构帮忙申请的,后来我们又撤回了,担心花的钱太多。于是,小宋除了自学申请美本的各学科,还要自己撰写各类申请文书。每天都很忙碌。学校的课基本是三天两头不去上。这种状态,是从高一下学期开始持续到高三上学期,整两年的时间。学校的学习,小宋还要有所兼顾,当然成绩不如全力以赴的学生,况且这所重点高中都是精英学子。于是成绩排名,一度从高一上学期的前五十名,落后到一二百名。就是一二百名在这所学校,将来也是上985、211的学生。最后小宋的精力主要分配给了美本申请的学习,这期间完全在家自学托福考到107分。sat2是满分,sat1也将近5000分,不太理想,但也不差。这都是小宋在家自学的结果。在这期间,小宋的钢琴学习没有停止。还在继续跟秦川老师上课,一节课一千多块的那种。一个月去上一次,并不频繁。每天小宋的练琴也在努力保证时间。她在准备录好视频上传到Yale的招生网站,作为才艺展示。还有,陪伴小宋的小鸡善善,作为活动类的补充,也写成了一篇英语小文。这是小宋的文笔,先来欣赏一下。

My Pet Hen

While other people walked their dogs, I walked my hen, with an one-meter-long dog-hitting stick holding in my hand. Yes, this was my pet, a hen. Although a city full of buildings made of steel and concrete never was an appropriate place to raise chickens, I still managed to overcome the inconveniences and potential danger. While walking my hen, I certainly was bold enough to warn the stray dogs, “ Hey, I’m not at all afraid of you and neither is my hen.”

However, the beginning of the story was not so positive. Once my hen was roaming outside, and suddenly she cried out such a vigilantcall that struck the alarm of danger. I checked out through the window upstairs and next second I had my heart in my mouth: she had been trapped by several wild dogs,

outnumbered at least 4 to 1. One dog even snapped at my hen’s back and fixed its jaw on her.I desperately wanted to rescue her from the massacre, but being unable to move my feet, I only screamed and cried with my hands covered on my ears.Fortunately, my dad saved her just in time.

You may well wonder why I wasn’t able to take action. I was just so afraid of losing her that I shunned from the unknown aftermath: my hen’s body would possibly lie in blood in front of me.Months later, such offensive repeated itself, but this time, without my parents at home, I was my hen’s only hope.This still cast timidity into my mind, but I, though in a shudder, stood fast, grabbed a mop, rushed down, and quelled the chaos. I succeeded and became her hero.

When I was little, I couldn’t help looking away from things that made me feel ashamed or afraid, say, a kiss on TV. Each time I dodged such a thing, my mother would tell me to stand up to it and remind me it wouldn’t kill me after all. Growing up, I became bolder towards those things, but the entrenched trepidation from undesirable outcomes haunted me still.It was not until I saved my hen that I appreciated the necessity to stand up to my timidity and to what was in store. That’s how men stay level-headed and take reasonable action. Hence I learned to face down the undesirable outcomes and take deliberate and well targeted measures to see to it that the problems are handled appropriately. I scored high in math exams because I always checked beforehand that my knowledge system was watertight. I researched into thyroid nodule for my mother who had suspected malignant nodules, and I eventually helped her avoid the overtreatment.Never again have I shirked my duty out of fright.

Thank you, my hen, for making me strong to face the facts, accompanying me through three golden years, and offering me a nutritional egg on every single day.



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